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Endpoint for challenge list checking-adding-removing

Endpoints related to adding-removing-checking a challenge listed address.

  • POST
  • POST
  • POST

Common details shared between ALL endpoints

They all require a JWT token for authorization. This will require the license key you can see at

If we include a "result_mode=json" GET parameter, the result will be in json, that will look like this:

{ result: string }

PHP status code does NOT change even if validation fails or the action fails. It will always return 200.

Before every action carried out, the API will check if it is indeed a PUBLIC valid IPV4 address or not.

The limits are as follows:

  • challenge list additions/day: 6000.
  • challenge list removals /day: 1000.

The API will NOT forward the request if the IP is on our global allow list (e.g. BitNinja's API IP addresses)

Common responses among all endpoints

If the IP is invalid:

{result: "[] is invalid"}

If the IP is private:

{result: "[] is private"}

If you exceed a limit:

{result: "Sorry, but you have reached the maximum limit"}

Challenge list operations


POST (POST Parameters: IP)

Example Responses

If the IP is NOT challenge listed:

{"result": "[] is currently not on global challenge list"}

If the IP is on user-level challenge list:

{"result": "[] is currently on your personal greylist"}

If it is challenge listed:

{"result": "[] is on global greylist"}

Example CURL request

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>' --form 'ip=""'


POST (POST Parameters: IP)

Example Responses

If the IP is already on user-level challenge list:

{"result": "[] is already on your greylist"}

If the IP is on global challenge list:

{"result": "[] is already on global greylist"}

If the IP was successfully added to the challenge list:

{"result": "[] has been added to greylist"}

Example CURL request

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>' --form 'ip=""'


POST list?result_mode=json (POST Parameters: IP)

Example Responses

If the IP is not on challenge list:

{"result": "[] is not on greylist"}

If the IP has been successfully removed:

{"result": "[] has been removed from greylist"}

Example CURL request

curl --location --request POST '' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <jwt_token>' --form 'ip=""'